الأربعاء، 6 أغسطس 2008

Thermodynamics books

Thermodynamics or Thermal science
Thermal science is the combined study of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer. This umbrella-subject is typically designed for non-engineering students and functions to provide a general introduction to each of three core heat-related subjects.

Thermodynamics of Systems Containing Flexible-Chain Polymers
by V.J. Klenin

Thermodynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans
(International Geophysics)
by Judith A. Curry, Peter J. Webster
link 1
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Thermodynamics of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs
by Abbas Firoozabadi
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4- Advanced Thermodynamics for Engineers 1996-11
by D. E. Winterbone
link Password: free4vn.org

5- Heat Exchanger Design Handbook
(Marcell Dekker)
by Kuppan
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6- Advanced Gas Turbine Cycles :
A Brief Review of Power Generation Thermodynamics
by J. Horlock
link 1
link 2 PASSWORD: www.blueportal.org

7- Heat Transfer in Industrial Combustion
by Charles E. Baukal
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8- Understanding Thermodynamics
by H.C. Van Ness
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9- Handbook of Heat Transfer
by Warren M. Rohsenow, James P. Hartnett, Young I. Cho
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10- Generalized Thermodynamics:
Thermodynamics of Irreversible Processes and Generalized
Hydrodynamics (Fundamental Theories of Physics)
by B. C., Eu Chan Eu, Byung Chan Eu

11- Heat Transfer Handbook
by Adrian Bejan, Allan D. Kraus,
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12- Advanced Thermodynamics Engineering
by Kalyan Annamalai
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13- Instructor Manual to An Introduction to Thermodynamics and
Statistical Mechanics
by Keith Stowe

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